The Twentyone.

Benriach Twentyone is a whisky for those seeking a complex dram with multiple layers of flavors. The presence of peated whisky isn't dominant but subtly present in both aroma and taste.

Liquor Whisky/Whiskey

Benriach The Twentyone - 700 ml

  • 700 ml
  • 46% vol.
  • From Great Britain
  • Served as avec
  • Just Drinks: 5372301
  • Systembolaget: 53723

Benriach Twentyone is a whisky for those seeking a complex dram with multiple layers of flavors. The presence of peated whisky isn't dominant but subtly present in both aroma and taste.

Golden, honey-colored.

Fruity and berry-like aroma with hints of apples, honey, and oak tones.

Complex and full-bodied with notes of candied grapefruit, coconut, and pine resin. Elegant and long aftertaste of caramelized pears, honey, and smoke.

1699:- Systembolaget (ink VAT)
1359,20:- Just Drinks (ex VAT)



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