Gin Mare

Gin Mare Capri is a sophisticated variation of the classic Gin Mare, capturing the essence of Capri with its distinct bergamot and lemon notes.

Gin Liquor

Gin Mare Capri - 700 ml

  • 700 ml
  • 42,7% vol.
  • From Spain
  • Drink ingredient
  • Just Drinks: 5892801
  • Systembolaget: 58928

Gin Mare Capri is a sophisticated variation of the classic Gin Mare, capturing the essence of Capri with its distinct bergamot and lemon notes. This gin highlights a fresh, citrusy aroma and flavor that is ideal for summer drinks. It is perfectly balanced with juniper and Mediterranean herbs, making it a favorite for cocktail enthusiasts who appreciate a clear and aromatic gin.


Floral citrus scent, lemon, bergamot, and juniper.

Bergamot, citrus, and juniper.

569:- Systembolaget (ink VAT)
455,20:- Just Drinks (ex VAT)



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